Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is it really THAT pretty?

Yes...yes it is. I had looked at swatches of Lynnderella's 'I Don't Mean Rhinestones' for some time and often asked myself, "Is it really that pretty or are these just really great pictures that have had their color enhanced?"

I got my answer when I openedd my Christmas gift from Jess at Too Cute-icle. Oh...Em...Geeeeee!! Its. Freaking. Gorgeous. I'm just going to shut up so you can see it in all of its amazingly gorgeous gorgeousness.

This is 2 coats of Lynnderella 'I Don't Mean Rhinestones' over 1 coat of Ulta 'Dance Teal Dawn'. PLEASE click these to make them bigger. They are soooooooo pretty!

Soooooooooooooo I love it. Love. It. Went on like a dream, no glitter placement, and smoothed out nicely with 2 coats of SV. I can't wait to wear this baby again come spring/summer to get a good sun shot. If I had any lick of fashion sense I'd plan an outfit around it.  THANK YOU JESS!!!



  1. No kidding, this polish IS gorgeous!!!!!

    1. I swear I couldn't even drive with it on! I just wanted to stare at it the whole time!

  2. That truly is a gorgeous polish!!!!

    1. Yeaaaah! I know Lynnderella is pricey, but I haven't found anything even sorta close that is as pretty as this is
